What is Protein

What is protein

Protein is the most fundamental part of building our body. Protein is mainly used in the manufacture of our body's muscles, skin and tissues. Protein plays the most important role in the fluids found in all the cells of our body.
There are more than 50,000 different types of proteins in our body. They are all made up of 22 different types of amino acids. Our body is made up of 14 amino acids in these 22 amino acids. The remaining 8 amino acids have to be taken from foods or supplements. These 8 amino acids are called essential amino acids.

Protein helps a lot in making our body energy. Life is impossible without protein. Not every cell in our body can be made without protein while our body is made up of trillions of cells. Protein is very essential for making antibodies and hemoglobin in our body. Protein is also very essential for the delivery of oxygen from the blood cells, protein is also very important in the development of our body and in healing wounds.
Protein forms a long chain of amino acids. Protein also plays a role in the formation of nails and hair. Protein helps our digestive system by producing enzymes in the stomach.

How much protein do we need

How much protein we need depends on our age, what is the size of our body and what is the level of activity of our body. According to nutritional experts, we should take our body in kilograms and multiply it by 0.7 and consider the answer A as gram, the more protein required daily for our body.
According to some experts, 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight is required for good health.

Incomplete and complete protein

If the food contains all the essential amino acids, then that type of protein is called complete protein. This type of complete protein is found in beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and milk. Not all essential amino acids are found in incomplete proteins. Incomplete protein is mainly found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. If you are a pure vegetarian then it is certain that you are consuming incomplete protein only.

Workers need protein

The most important nutrient for exercising is "protein". Because the most strength in exercising falls on the muscles of the body and protein is the most essential ingredient for the muscles. People who are passionate about exercising or bodybuilding or who play any bodybuilding sport need the most protein.
Players should consume protein according to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. The same amount should be taken by athletes and exercisers.
The above quantities are for men. Women should consume a lesser amount.

Do not take protein by percentage of calories
Some experts determine the amount of protein according to the calories consumed per day, according to which they recommend consuming 10 to 20 percent of the calories. This is not an appropriate method of quantification. Because people who do more physical labor need more calories and accordingly more protein is also needed. Similarly, a person doing less labor needs less calories and protein.

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